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Don’t call it a comeback

less than 1 minute read

Vic Gundotra's post would make anyone's mouth water! Don't call it a comeback Don't call it a comeback!I been here for years -LL Cool J Within a fe...

Free Opera!

1 minute read

IE and Firefox get a new 'free' competitor. Described as the fastest Web browser available on any platform, Opera pioneered several features that we now ta...

Can open source companies innovate?

1 minute read

Ever since I attended the FOSS conference a couple of weeks ago, I've been trying to figure out how viable an option Open Source is for the software indust...

Tech.Ed Sri Lanka Blog

less than 1 minute read

I started blogging over at Check it out and keep posted on all that’s happening at Tech.Ed Sri Lanka.

Back Online

1 minute read

Ahh.. Feels so sweet to be back online. My hosting server got screwed up and I had to wait till Madura got back to work to fix it up. Wierdly, all that was ...

Windows Vista 2 Screenshots

less than 1 minute read

Windows Vista Beta 2 screenshots taken from TechEd have been posted at check it out here.

Lunch with Jim and Rasmus

less than 1 minute read

During lunch today I was joined at my table by Rasmus Lerdof (the creator of PHP) and Jim Zemlin the executive director of FSG (Free Standards Group). Jim i...

FOSS: Keynote

1 minute read

I was able find a power socket at the end of the room where I was able to get my notebook charged again and guess what Dr. Ruwan from the Colombo University...