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BlogJet 2.0 and Live Writer

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BlogJet 2.0 has been released. I’ve tried it out but I think I’m going to give it a pass and stick to the old version. IMO BlogJet 2.0 suffers f...

Free Download Manager

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I’ve been a long-time user of LeechGet for managing my downloads but had problems running it under Vista. Internet Download Manager was a good choice u...

Office 2007 Keyboard Shortcuts

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I’ve been using Office 2007 for the past six months but its just today that I ran into the awesome keyboard shortcut. Man, the Office guys have re...

WiMAX in Sri Lanka

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This is wicked cool. Dialog has started pilot testing WiMAX with data speeds of 10MBPS. They areas being tested right now are Hambantota, Matara, Galle,...

2007 Sri Lankan Holidays for Outlook

1 minute read

There are few housekeeping stuff that you need to do at the start of the year and adding the Sri Lankan holidays to your Outlook calendar is one. ā€“ ā€“ ā€“ ā€“ ā€“ ā€“...

Counting my blessings

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Happy New Year everybody! Looking back, 2006 for me has been a very special year and one that I'm thanking God for blessing me so wonderfully. I got marrie...


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While preparing for the 70–551 exam I came across the new TypeForwardedToAttributes class. Searching for this on MSDN brought up “no search resul...

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My son has his own site now at At just $10 a year, we love you Google Apps!

Free Microsot Exam Voucher [Limited Number]

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Microsoft Sri Lanka is offering a generous gift (limited number) this Christmas season to all dotnetforum community members on a first come first serve basis...