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What are you blogging today?

1 minute read

As you may have noticed I recently went through a steep learning curve on SharePoint. The best part was it turned out to be a liberation on my blogging minds...

Write CAML queries in code

less than 1 minute read

In my very first webpart that I wrote I needed to write some CAML queries to filter and sort the lists. Being the type of guy who hates seeing strings litter...

Migrated from dasBlog to BlogEngine.NET

2 minute read

After 5 years, starting from the humble BlogX that ChrisAn wrote to Clemens and then ScottH's dasBlog, I finally moved over to BlogEngine.NET today. My ...

Uploading Videos

less than 1 minute read

I've been playing with uploading videos today and MSN Video seems to outshine the other when it comes to uploading as well as viewing video. The biggest stre...

Joshua & water

less than 1 minute read

One of Joshua’s favorite activity is playing with water. A bath anytime of the day is sure to cheer him up. I usually like to spoil him by giving about four ...


less than 1 minute read

It turned out to be a wonderful coincidence that our second son Rafael decided to be born on our second wedding anniversary! The little fella has a loud vo...

2008 Sri Lankan Holidays for Outlook

less than 1 minute read

A few people reminded me about posting the new holidays for this year, but I never got around to it. Luckily Kavinda has put it together here.