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SQL query optimization

2 minute read

Wow. Two SQL posts on the same day. The SQL query processing team blog is quite a gem. I wonder how I missed this. The query processing team - query optimiz...

Publishing your SQL Server 2005 database?

less than 1 minute read

Ever wanted to MySQL feature that let’s you script out a database (including the data) when working with SQL Server? Fear no more the Database Publishi...

Outlook Shortcuts

less than 1 minute read

I spend a lot of time in Outlook and I’ve found these shortcuts to be invaluable. Ctrl+Shift+M : Open a new email window Ctrl+Enter   ...

Steve Jobs on Design

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been reading a lot of Steve Jobs quotes recently here is another one I can relate to with the products that I’m building. “Most peopl... launched

less than 1 minute read

An okay start, they at least have some information on taking loans and stuff, the highlight being the forms are available for printing. The site though is do...

Tech.Ed Keynote Review

less than 1 minute read

My thoughts on the keynote that was presented at Tech.Ed Sri Lanka. To start off with the keynote was way too long and went on for what felt like four hours....

Innovation Comes From Saying No

less than 1 minute read

I was reading the free Getting Real book from 37Signals and came across this Steve Jobs quote. I love it! "We Don't Want a Thousand Features" Steve Jobs gav...

Sysinternals saved my day. Again!

1 minute read

So I got into office early today and was greeted with this error when I fired out Outlook: Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook win...

Three reasons to attend Tech.Ed this year

1 minute read

Sessions: There will be a total of 60 sessions and 8 (HOLs). This is nearly double the number of last year’s sessions. Your getting more bang for your...

Find out who’s linking to you

less than 1 minute read

Find out which web pages are linking to you by using the linkdomain: operator like this. While the Live search caters to end users, Yahoo’s searc...