1 minute read

NOTE: Check out https://cmd.ms. The new and improved version of this.

I’m a command line guy and hate having to click to get to various Azure AD pages. Over time I created these shortcuts and thought you might find them helpful.

Here is how it works. Open a new tab and type aka.ms/ad/{command}

Where shortcut is one of the commands below.

aka.ms Command Portal Blade
aka.ms/ad/ca ca Conditional Access
aka.ms/ad/pim pim Privileged Identity Management
aka.ms/ad/users users Users
aka.ms/ad/groups groups Groups
aka.ms/ad/devices devices Devices
aka.ms/ad/apps apps Enterprise Applications
aka.ms/ad/appreg appreg Application Registrations
aka.ms/ad/auth auth Authentication Methods Policies
aka.ms/ad/legacymfa legacymfa Legacy MFA
aka.ms/ad/guests guests Guest Access Settings
aka.ms/ad/logs logs Sign in Logs
aka.ms/ad/xtap xtap Cross Tenant Access Settings
aka.ms/ad/roles roles Azure AD Roles
aka.ms/ad/sspr sspr Password Reset
aka.ms/ad/security security Security
aka.ms/ad/mfaunblock mfaunblock MFA Unblock
aka.ms/ad/reviews reviews Access Reviews
aka.ms/ad/score score Secure Score
aka.ms/ad/license license Licenses
aka.ms/ad/synclog synclog AAD Connect Sync Errors
aka.ms/ad/adfslog adfslog ADFS Log
aka.ms/ad/consent consent Consents and Permissions
aka.ms/ad/support support Support
aka.ms/ad/list list List all these shortcuts

If you liked those here are some of my favourite Identity related shortcuts.

aka.ms Page
aka.ms/azad Azure AD Portal
aka.ms/sspr Self Service Password Reset
aka.ms/mysecurity My Security
aka.ms/myapps My Apps
aka.ms/my-account My Account
aka.ms/my-groups My Groups
aka.ms/my-access My Access Packages
aka.ms/mystaff My Access Packages
aka.ms/mfasetup Alternative for My Security
aka.ms/ge Graph Explorer
aka.ms/ge Intune

Have I missed anything? Have new suggestions? Let me know at twitter.com/merill.

