less than 1 minute read

Thanks a lot for everyone who came to the seminar yesterday. I hope you all saw the power and productivity gains of moving to the .NET platform. I started working with .NET nearly two years ago and have never looked back. The rest of the development world pales in comparison to what you can do with .NET.

As promised you can download the presentation and code from here.

I feel that not a lot of developers in Sri Lanka know enough about .NET. .NET is going to one of the key development skills required in the future. We Sri Lankans need to master these technologies to keep our competitive edge over our conterparts from India and other countries.

I'm trying to do my little part by holding seminars. I would really love to hear back from you all on the seminar and your ideas on how we can improve it. Please click on the Comment link below to leave your comments (especially the constructive criticisms) or email me at [email protected].