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ASP.NET 2.0: DataGrid Sample

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ASP.NET 2.0 streamlines data-driven application development. This example uses the categories and product tables in SQ...

Mozilla trots out Firefox browser

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The Mozilla Foundation released a new version of its open source Web browser this week, with improvements to its downl...

Market Vote

1 minute read

It was the ninth day of February and the Colombo bourse gave to many investors a heart burn as they watched their port...

Can Apple Keep the Worms Out?

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"In the wake of the MyDoom/NovaRG fiasco, every Mac columnist has an easy out. After yet another virus attac...

Open Source Testing

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Open Source Testing is a compendium of 138 open source testing tools, including unit testing, feature testing, perform...

Parliament Dissolved?

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The President pointed out that the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has been victorious when it united with other parties from ...