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An asteriod hits Colombo city

less than 1 minute read

Sulochanaa mailed me this joke, which takes a play on Tsunami.Ā An Asteroid hits Colombo city

Crisis and chaos

3 minute read

This is the editorial published by the Daily Mirror today. Pala, one of my friends, was telling me about how the overhead for almost all donations went towa...

Microsoft Offers Free Exam Retakes Worldwide

1 minute read

Hey, all you people. This is the time to go bonkers taking Microsoft exams. Microsoft is giving a free ā€œsecond-shot offerā€ to anyone who takes a Microsoft e...

.NET User Group Meeting in Colombo today

2 minute read

Itā€™s another which brings along yet another user group meeting. This month Iā€™ll be taking the stage after a long lapse of over six months to talk about the ...

Exciting annoucements for the MVP program

less than 1 minute read

Howard us teasing us about some exciting announcements for the MVP programs that will be announced this week. Heā€™s keeping mum for now thoughā€¦  Cā€™mon ...

Back in Sri Lanka

less than 1 minute read

Dammika wanted to know where the hell I was. Things have been pretty hectic for me since I landed in Colombo last Tuesday morning. Let me see… On Tue...


less than 1 minute read

This is the last leg of my long trip back to Colombo. It's really cool that the Changi Airport at Singapore has free internet access. What have I been doing ...

A gift for my brother

less than 1 minute read

My brother and sister teamed up to buy me this, so to return the favor I bought Julius (my small bro) one heck of an MP3 player. I ordered the SanDisk 1GB&nb...